The Infographic Is Dead. Long Live the Infographic!
The infographic is still queen bee when it comes to content marketing. Standardized formats have reigned over the Internet for some time. But are the head-turners losing their appeal? If so, what does that mean for the brands they are designed to market? Here’s a creative director’s take on the situation.
Infographics circulate rapidly on the likes of Twitter and Facebook. They bring huge volumes of traffic and boost rankings. In terms of their content and design, anything is possible—from an extravagant comic-strip aesthetic to minimalism; from the origins of facial hair and nutritional advice to killer cats.
Standardization—It’s a Trap!
Standardized graphics are interchangeable.
With the success of content marketing, infographics have become a fixture in B2B communication—and have since been subject to formal standardization. Infographics are becoming smaller, quicker, and simpler—especially because they now have to be optimized for mobile devices. Today they mostly show basic pictograms and charts rather than sophisticated illustrations. Platforms like,, and take this less-is-more approach to the next level. The services allow anyone to put together an infographic in a matter of minutes. What can potentially prove a very savvy marketing strategy for smaller companies is risky for big enterprises. Empty communication makes your business indistinguishable from the rest and threatens brand positioning.
Vibrant Is Viral
To capture the imagination of its target audience, an infographic requires a vibrant design that brings the brand to life. Graphic designers today have a wealth of tools at their disposal to ensure content has what it takes to go viral. Gifographics with animated diagrams are more eye-catching, and simply more fun, than plain statistical charts.
Any infographic that possesses the following characteristics will be sure to stand out from the crowd:
- Originality: a quirky design and elaborate story catch the eye and set brands apart from the competition
- Eye-catching: animations create a film-like experience that entertains and intrigues
- Interactive: users understand and remember content better when they have a level of control over what they see
Looking for an example? Our client, Deutsche Messe, makes complex topics accessible and exciting à